MCP’s CO-VIDeo Concerts

Next Concert
Saturday, June 27, 2020
3 PM (EDT)
Broadcast live from MCP’s Facebook page (click here for access)

With the rapidly developing situation surrounding the pandemic COVID-19 coronavirus, we are now living in a difficult time, uncertain as to when we will be able to gather for live concerts again.  Performing artists like our MCP Artists are hit especially hard by this, as the vast majority of them do not have salaried incomes and rely on paychecks from concert to concert and gig to gig to pay rent and bills and live their lives.  With no concerts, this means no income, PERIOD.

The launch of MCP’s CO-VIDeo Concerts aims to bring financial aid to our struggling MCP Artists, allow them a creative outlet, and give our audience the chance to continue to connect with MCP Artists and hear them perform.  So once every two weeks on Saturdays at 3 PM (EDT), MCP will present a one hour concert via Facebook livestream at our Facebook page (click here to access).  Due to the necessity of social distancing, most performances will be solo, though as there are some MCP Artists who are married or family members living together, some chamber performances will be possible.  Each will include information given by each MCP Artist about the works performed, as well as a description of their experience living in this new, ever-changing creative environment.  Performances will be archived on the MCP Facebook page and viewable for at least 24 hours after broadcast if you are unable to view the concert live!

All proceeds donated during these concerts or with the indicated intent being for these concerts will be split evenly among the performers on each program.  Donations can be made securely online via Paypal by clicking here or on the icon below, or for information on making donations by mail, please click here.

For more information, please email:

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